Plantronics W8240 SAVI 3-in-1 Convertible DECT Headset (210979-01) New

Plantronics W8240 SAVI 3-in-1 Convertible DECT Headset (210979-01) New

Plantronics - North America

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The Plantronics Savi 8240-UC is a wireless headset for your computer softphone and video conferencing applications like Zoom, Skype, RingCentral, Cisco, Avaya and more. The Plantronics 8240-UC is not a Bluetooth headset and won't connect with your cell phone. If you use computer applications and need a wireless headset with long range, secure conversations and a headset that will allow you to adjust to your wearing needs, then look no further than the Plantronics Savi 8240-UC.

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