Addasound EPIC 512 Wired USB Stereo Headset (EPIC-512) New


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Condition: New

Addasound EPIC 512 Wired USB Stereo Headset (EPIC-512) New


It is very hard to avoid the service complaints and essential information disclosure during calls in an extremely noisy environment. With ADDASOUND’s EPIC 511/512, customers will have no such concerns. They are specifically engineered for those customers who have very high requirement of noise cancellation for better service and security, such as healthcare, banking, insurance or any other businesses where essential information is exchanged over the phone.


  • Leading Technology Advanced Noise Cancelling Technology guarantees high performance sound quality and the best user experience
  • Simple Design Nordic style perfectly combines outer simplicity and inner excellence
  • Delicate Details From products to service, we look deep into every detail to meet your every need

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