Cisco 7961G Unified IP Phone Spare (CP-7961G=) Refurb


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Condition: Refurbished

Cisco 7961G Unified IP Phone Spare (CP-7961G=)


The Cisco Unified Communications system of voice and IP communications products and applications enables organizations to communicate more effectively-enabling them to streamline business processes, reach the right resource the first time and impact the top and bottom line. The Cisco Unified Communications portfolio is an integral part of the Cisco Business Communications Solution-an integrated solution for organizations of all sizes which also includes network infrastructure, security, and network management products, wireless connectivity, and a lifecycle services approach, along with flexible deployment and outsourced management options, end-user and partner financing packages, and third-party communications applications.


  • The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7961G is dynamic, and it is designed to grow with system capabilities.
  • Features will keep pace with new changes through software updates to the phone flash memory.
  • Firmware changes can be downloaded from Cisco Unified CallManager and
  • No hands-on moves and changes are required with the phone-the user can simply pick up the phone and move to the new location anywhere on your network.
  • The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7961G provides many accessibility methods according to user preference.

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