Cisco Aironet 2602i Controller-Based Dual Band Access Point (AIR-CAP2602I-E-K9) Unused


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Cisco Aironet 2602i Controller-Based Dual Band Access Point (AIR-CAP2602I-E-K9)


AIR-CAP2602I-E-K9 is 2600 series wireless access point in standalone mode, which offers a low-cost, entry-level solution with no requiring wireless controller. AAIR-CAP2602I-E-K9 offers base-level wireless functionality with the high-performance, high-flexibility to support unique requirement for scale and mobility services. Standalone model and controller base access point can be interchangeable by upgrade or downgrade the system IOS to satisfy the needs by add services over time by adding a controller, which means, a controller is required to support voice, location services, guest access, and advanced security.


2600 series standalone model deliver the highest level of IEEE 802.11n performance which sustains up to 450-Mbps data rate, and 3*4 MIMO technology with three-spatial stream provides optimal coverage to ensure best possible end user experience on the wireless network.



  • 3 x 4 MIMO technology with three spatial streams

  • Cross AP Noise Reduction, MIMO equalization

  • Dual-band, Internal antennas and E regulatory domain

  • standalone access point, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n

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