Jabra BIZ 2400 II Mono 3-1 Noise Cancellation Headset (2406-820-205) New


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Condition:  New

Jabra BIZ 2400 II Mono 3-1 Noise Cancellation Headset (2406-820-205)



Jabra BIZ 2400 II Mono Noise Canceling 3-in-1 headset is the latest addition to the Jabra line of corded headset.  The best corded headset just got better. Now the Jabra Biz 2400 II now includes acoustic shock protection, extra padding in the headband as well as the only headset with a 360 degree swiveling boom mic. When the microphone is close to the mouth of the user, there is a risk of respiratory noise. Jabra Biz 2400 II mono has a microphone is designed with many tiny holes.. In addition, foam included on the inside of the micro

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