Polycom Edgewater NW Ribbon Int Edge 2GE 2WAN 2GE 2FXO 6FXS 12 POE 5 Call (EDGE-2900APOE-0005) New


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The Edgewater Networks EdgeMarc 2900A Power over Ethernet (PoE) Intelligent Edge device is ideal for hosted PBX applications that require PoE functionality to power IP endpoints. This solution enables service providers to easily support locations with less than 12 phones with a single device. The EdgeMarc 2900 series adds both outbound and inbound analog line (FXO/FXS) support for applications such as PSTN fail-over, fax, and overhead paging. The EdgeMarc 2900A PoE Session Border Controller is a scalable solution, giving you the ability to upgrade as your business grows. The 2900A series truly delivers high-quality VoIP solutions to customers of all sizes and network configurations.

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