Samsung iDCS 28 Button Speaker Phone (KPDF28SED-XAR) Refurb


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Condition: Refurbished

The iDCS-28B phone is ideal for the established company whose business is telephone intense. From the receptionist to the busy executive, this keyset does it all.

Cost effective
The iDCS-28B phones come standard with the Terminal Status Indicator (TSI), a bright, tri-color LED light that provides immediate visual status-an incredible useful feature in today’s hectic office environment.

Easy to use
Even the newest user can take advantage of all features and functionality. Flexible and highly functional, the iDCS-28B phones include large, easy-to-use dial buttons, and programmable keys.

With its add-on modules for added flexibility, and either an analog or a digital daughter board, you can double the capacity of station ports whenever

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