Yealink CP960-UVC50 Zoom Room Kit for Small to Medium Rooms (CP960-UVC50) New


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Yealink CP960-UVC50 Zoom Room Kit For Small to Medium Rooms (CP960-UVC50)


The Yealink CP960-UVC50 Zoom Rooms Kit is designed for small and medium meeting rooms. It is a complete Zoom Rooms package containing a full hardware suite (mini-PC, camera, audio devices) as well as the requisite software and license.

The Yealink CP960 Conference Phone runs on an Android-based OS and includes a five-inch multi-touch screen for a flawless Zoom Rooms console experience with no need for additional console devices. In addition, the CP960 one-cable technology greatly simplifies the deployment process. Featuring Yealink Noise Proof technology, everyone's voice in the room is heard clearly. 

The wide-angle lens on the Yealink UVC50's 5x optical PTZ camera enables vivid face-to-face video conferences.

What's Included

  • Mini-PC and cable management boc
  • Yealink CP960 conference phone
  • Yealink UVC50 USB PTZ camera

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