Yealink YLPOE30 PoE Injector for the CP960 Conference Phone (YLPOE30) New


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Yealink PoE Injector (YLPOE30)

New condition

Yealink YLPOE30, a power supply for Yealink CP960 IP conference phone and other Yealink PoE-featured IP phones, is designed to provide both data connection and electric power with only one Ethernet cable, giving you a clean and tidy desktop. It is standardized by IEEE802.3af and IEEE802.3at and is plug-and-play without any extra deployment.

Yealink YLPOE30 is perfectly compatible with the Yealink CP960 IP conference phone, and other Yealink IP phones which support PoE feature are also compatible.

Manufacturer: Yealink

Part Number: YLPOE30

Condition: New

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